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Shout3D™ 2.0 - 3D Studio MAX Export Tutorial

Offsetting the Bitmap

Unlike the tiling, you can export offset adjustments made in the Material Editor. Back in MAX, return the U tiling in the UVW Modifier to 1.0 to eliminate the tiling. In the Material Editor, set the U offset value for the bitmap to 0.5. This will move the red portion of the map from the edge to the center of the projection.

Export as usual and open the .s3d file in a text editor. While you're adding the complete path to the bitmap again, notice the new field in the DiffuseMap node that reads offsetUV 0.5 0. If you wanted to make adjustments to this offset, you could edit these field values directly, instead of going back to MAX.

Save the edited ball.s3d and preview. The bitmap will be shifted as in the image on the right.


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